ListAppend |
Adds the given value to the end of the list, with the given delimiter |
ListChangedelims |
Converts the given list delimitor to the new one |
ListCompact |
Returns back a new list, with all the empty items removed from the start and end of the list |
ListContains |
Determines if the substring is within the list, returning the list index of where the item was found; 0 if not found |
ListContainsnocase |
Determines if the substring is within the list (case insensitive search), returning the list index of where the item was found; 0 if not found |
ListDeleteat |
Removes item from the list at the given position, returning back the new list |
ListFind |
Determines if the element exists within the list (an exact match) |
ListFindnocase |
Determines if the element exists within the list (an exact case insenstive match) |
ListFirst |
Returns the first element in the list |
ListGetat |
Returns the element at the given position |
ListIndexexists |
Determines if an element at the given position exists or not |
ListInsertat |
Inserts a new element into the list at the given position, returning the newly created list |
ListItemtrim |
Removes all the white space surrounding each element, returning back the new list |
ListLast |
Returns the last element in the list |
ListLen |
Returns the number of the elements in the list |
ListPrepend |
Adds the given element to the start of the list, returning the new list |
ListQualify |
Returns the list, of only that match the type, prefixed and postfixed with the qualifier |
ListRemoveduplicates |
Removes all duplicate values within the list, returning back the new list |
ListRest |
Returns all the elements in the list, minus the first element |
ListSetat |
Inserts the given element at the given position, returning the newly created list |
ListSort |
Sorts the array using the criteria given returning the new sorted list |
ListSwap |
Swaps the positions of two elements within the list, returning back the new list |
ListToarray |
Converts the list into an array, optionally including the empty elements |
ListValuecount |
Counts the number of times the given element appears in the list |
ListValuecountnocase |
Counts the number of times the given element appears in the list using a case-insensitive search |