Executes a shell command on the local server


<cfexecute> ... </cfexecute>


Attribute default required summary
ATTRIBUTECOLLECTION A structure containing the tag attributes
NAME The full path to the executable you wish to run
ARGUMENTS An array of command line arguments to pass into the executable
OUTPUTFILE The name of the file to store the output of the command. Cannot be used when VARIABLE is specified
VARIABLE The name of the variable to store the output of the command. Cannot be used when FILE is specified
ERRORFILE The name of the file where the error stream is sent to
ERRORVARIABLE The name of the variable where the error stream is sent to
TIMEOUT 0 The timeout to wait for the command to complete. If 0, then it will wait indefinitely for the command to finish
URIDIRECTORY false Is the path to the file relative to the document root


Foreign chars handing and cfexecute

Please note that the cfexecute tag reads the output using the InputStreamReader but it doesn't specify a charset so defaults to the platform default.

You can get the platform default with:

<cfoutput>#createObject( "java", "java.lang.System" ).getProperty( "file.encoding" )#</cfoutput>