Allows you to schedule a background page request to be made at a given date/time, running once or at some regular interval. The result of which can be saved to file.




Attribute default required summary
ATTRIBUTECOLLECTION A structure containing the tag attributes
ACTION=PAUSE If you specify a TASK then that task will be paused, otherwise the whole scheduler will be paused
ACTION=RESUME If you specify a TASK then that task will be resumed, otherwise the whole scheduler will resume
TASK The name of the task
ENDDATE The date the task will run until
ENDTIME The time the task will run until
FILE The name of the file to save the result in
PASSWORD Password, if url requires authentication
PATH The file path where the published file will be
PORT The port number
PROXYPASSWORD The password for the proxy if it requires authentication
PROXYPORT The proxy port if the request needs to be made via a proxy
PROXYSERVER The proxy host if the request needs to be made via a proxy
PROXYUSER The username for the proxy if it requires authentication
PUBLISH NO YES|NO, whether the result should be saved to file
REQUESTTIMEOUT The timeout to apply to the request
RESOLVEURL NO Whether relative urls in the published result file should be resolved to absolute urls
STARTDATE The date the task will run from
STARTTIME The time the task will run from
URL The URL that will be requested
USERNAME Username, if url requires authentication
RESULT if action=listall then this is the variable to return the data in

See Also