CFML Functions

conversion Category functions

Function Name Description
Deserializejson Decodes the given JSON string into a CFML object
Formatbasen Converts the given number to the new given base
Frombase62 This takes in a string and attempts to convert from Base62
Hash Determines the hash of the given string (or binary object) using the current encoding and algorithm
Hashbinary Determines the hash of the given binary object, or the file represented by the full path
Hmac Creates hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) for the given string based on the algorithm and encoding, returning back the Base64 encoding
Jsonfileread Reads and decodes the given file to JSON. This function caches the result so it won't keep reading/decoding the file on every request. The cache will remove items from memory that haven't been touched in over 60 seconds.
Serializejson Encodes the given object to a JSON string.
ToBase62 This takes in an number and attempts to convert it to Base62 for encoding
ToBase64 This takes in a string/binary object and attempts to convert it to a Base64 string
ToBinary Converts the Base64 string to a binary object
ToBoolean For the given object, return back the boolean representation of the it. Possible Yes/true/1 for true
ToString For the given object, return back the string representation of the it