GetHttpstatuslabel |
For the given HTTP Status Code returns the standard status message |
IpAsinteger |
Returns the IP address as an integer |
IpBroadcastmask |
Returns the broadcast address of this IP range |
IpCount |
Returns the number of IP addresses represented in this range |
IpGethighaddress |
Returns the upper IP address of this range |
IpGetlowaddress |
Returns the lower IP address of this range |
IpGetmxrecords |
Returns the MX (mail exchange) hosts for the supplied domain |
IpInrange |
Determines if the checked IP address is in the IP address range |
IpNetworkaddress |
Returns the network address of this range |
IpResolvedomain |
Returns the IP address(s) of the supplied domain |
IpReverselookup |
Performs a reverse IP lookup to determine the domain |
IpTocidr |
Returns the CIDR version of this IP range |
Location |
Redirects the main request to the location given |