Asc |
Returns the ascii value of the first character, or 0, if empty |
BinaryDecode |
Returns the binary object represented by the encoded string |
BinaryEncode |
Returns the binary object encoded as a string using the encoding method given |
Charat |
Returns the ascii character, as a string, of the position indicated |
Charsetdecode |
Returns the binary object represented by the encoded string |
Charsetencode |
Returns the binary object encoded as a string using the encoding method given |
Chr |
Returns the character represented by the ascii value |
Cjustify |
Returns the given string justified to the center, padding out the words with spaces accordingly |
Compare |
Performs a lexical comparison. If string1 is less than string2 then -1 returned. If string1 greater than string then 1 is return. 0 if equals |
Comparenocase |
Performs a lexical comparison, ignoring the case. If string1 is less than string2 then -1 returned. If string1 greater than string then 1 is return. 0 if equals |
Decodeforhtml |
Unescapes a string containing entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode characters corresponding to the escapes |
Encodeforfilename |
Encodes the string to be used as a filename. Removes all characters except for A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ - . |
Encodeforhtmlattribute |
Encodes the string to be used inside an HTML tag attribute. Escapes quotes, and special characters. |
Encodeforjavascript |
Encodes the string to be used inside Javascript. Escapes quotes, and special characters. |
Find |
Looks for the given substring in the string, starting optionally at the index position |
FindNocase |
Looks for the given substring in the string (case insensitive), starting optionally at the index position |
FindOneof |
Looks for the given characters in the string, starting optionally at the index position |
Fixeol |
Cleans up the EOL (End Of Line) separators for the given string, replacing where necessary |
GetToken |
Returns the token at the given position |
Html |
An advanced parsing and selection model to work with HTML blocks in a very JQuery like selector manner |
HtmlCodeformat |
Wraps the given string inside of the HTML <pre> .. </pre> tags, escaping the string accordingly |
HtmlEditformat |
Escapes the given HTML string, replacing &, <, >, and quotes. For use inside of the HTML form elements |
HtmlGetprintabletext |
Returns all the printable text from the HTML, devoid of all HTML tags, but maintaining any blank lines |
HtmlSourceformat |
Transforms the HTML text into a printable, indented source layout |
HtmlTidy |
Runs the W3 Tidy utility against the passed in HTML, performing a series of cleanup and HTML repair routines |
Insert |
Inserts the substring into the given string at the given position |
Jsstringformat |
Returns the given string escaped to work within Javascript blocks safely |
Lcase |
Returns the lower cased version of the string |
Left |
Returns the given string trimmed to the size given from the left of the string |
Len |
Returns the length of the given string, binary, struct or array object |
Ljustify |
Returns the given string justified to the left, padding out the words with spaces accordingly |
Ltrim |
Trims the whitespace from the left side of the string only, returning the new string |
Markdown |
Converts the MarkDown string to HTML, optionally preserving the HTML code prior to encoding. |
Mid |
Returns substring within the string from the start position for the number of characters |
Paragraphformat |
Formats the carriage returns in a string to a HTML alternatives |
Reescape |
Returns a string that that has been escaped and safe to use in RegEx patterns. The characters we escape are $, {, }, (, ), [, ], ^, ., *, +, ?, &, and \. |
Refind |
Performs a case-sensitive regular expression match to the given string. If subexpression=true then it returns a structure (pos,len) |
Refindnocase |
Performs a case-insensitive regular expression match to the given string. If subexpression=true then it returns a structure (pos,len) |
Rematch |
Returns an array of strings of all the matches that the given regular expression found performing a case-sensitive match |
Rematchnocase |
Returns an array of strings of all the matches that the given regular expression found performing a case-insensitive match |
Removechars |
Removes the substring from the given string, at the position for the characters count |
Repeatstring |
Returns a new string, made up of the string repeated the number of times specified |
Replace |
Looks for the occurences of a given substring within a string, replacing it with a new one |
ReplaceList |
Peforms a series of search'n'replace on a single string using the comma-separated lists passed in |
ReplaceNocase |
Looks for the occurences of a given substring within a string, replacing it with a new one, ignoring all case issues |
Rereplace |
Runs a regular expression replacement against the string |
Rereplacenocase |
Runs a regular expression replacement against the string |
Reverse |
Returns the given string but in reverse order |
Right |
Returns the given string trimmed to the size given from the right of the string |
Rjustify |
Returns the given string justified to the right, padding out the words with spaces accordingly |
Rtrim |
Trims the whitespace from the right side of the string only, returning the new string |
SpanExcluding |
Returns back the string up to the point where any of the strings in sub-string is matched |
SpanIncluding |
Returns back the string up to the point where any of the strings in sub-string is matched, including the substring |
Stripcr |
Removes all carriage returns from a string |
ToScript |
Used to convert the given input to Actionscript/Javascript variable |
Trim |
Removes the whitespace from the front and back of the string |
Ucase |
Returns the upper cased version of the string |
Wrap |
Wraps the given string at the column width, optionally ignoring the any carriage returns from the original |