CFML Functions

spreadsheet-plugin Category functions

Function Name Description
IsSpreadsheetobject Determines if the object past in is a spreadsheet object
SpreadsheetAddcolumn Inserts a new column to the current sheet
SpreadsheetAddfreezepane Creates a freeze panel within the current spreadsheet
SpreadsheetAddimage Adds an image to the current spreadsheet object
SpreadsheetAddinfo Updates or inserts spreadsheet level info
SpreadsheetAddrow Inserts new rows to the active sheet
SpreadsheetAddrows Inserts new rows to the active sheet
SpreadsheetAddsplitpane Creates a new split pane with the details given on the active sheet
SpreadsheetColumnfittosize Sets the autosize of the columns given
SpreadsheetCreatesheet Creates a brand new sheet with the given name. The active sheet does not get changed.
SpreadsheetDeletecolumn Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will not shift any other columns
SpreadsheetDeletecolumns Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will not shift any other columns
SpreadsheetDeleterow Deletes one or more rows from the active sheet
SpreadsheetDeleterows Deletes one or more rows from the active sheet
SpreadsheetDeletesheet Deletes the sheet named
SpreadsheetFindcell Looks for all cells in the active sheet that match the expression. An array of structs (row,column,value) is returned.
SpreadsheetFormatcell Sets the formatting properties for the given cell by row:column
SpreadsheetFormatcolumn Sets the default formatting properties for the given column(s). It will not reformat any existing columns
SpreadsheetFormatcolumns Sets the default formatting properties for the given column(s). It will not reformat any existing columns
SpreadsheetFormatrow Sets the formatting properties for the given row(s)
SpreadsheetFormatrows Sets the formatting properties for the given row(s)
SpreadsheetGetcellcomment Returns the comment stucture for the given cell on the active sheet
SpreadsheetGetcellformula Returns an array of structures (formula, row, column) looking for the formula. If rowNo/columnNo omitted, then all the formulae for the active sheet is returned
SpreadsheetGetcellvalue Returns the value of the cell
SpreadsheetInfo Reads the meta information associated with the spreadsheet
SpreadsheetMergecells Merges the cell range into one on the active sheet
SpreadsheetNew Creates a new spreadsheet object
SpreadsheetQueryread Reads the given sheet from the spreadsheet object as a query. If there are formulae in the cells they will be evaluated
SpreadsheetQuerywrite Writes out the query to the sheetname
SpreadsheetRead Creates a new spreadsheet object from the file specified
SpreadsheetReadbinary Returns the current spreadsheet as a binary file; useful for streaming straight out to the browser
SpreadsheetRemovecolumn Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will shift any other columns accordingly
SpreadsheetSetactivesheet Sets the active sheet
SpreadsheetSetactivesheetnumber Sets the active sheet
SpreadsheetSetcellcomment Sets the comment properties of the cell
SpreadsheetSetcellformula Sets the formula of the cell
SpreadsheetSetcellvalue Sets the value of the cell
SpreadsheetSetcolumnwidth Sets width of the given column
SpreadsheetSetfooter Sets the footer components of the spreadsheet
SpreadsheetSetheader Sets the header components of the spreadsheet
SpreadsheetSetrowwidth Sets width of the row
SpreadsheetShiftcolumns Moves the column around
SpreadsheetShiftrows Moves rows around
SpreadsheetWrite Writes the spreadsheet out to a file on the local file system