CFML Functions

system Category functions

Function Name Description
Applicationcount Returns the number of CF applications loaded in memory
Applicationlist Returns the list of all the active CF applications currently in memory
Applicationremove Removes the given CF application from memory, running onApplicationEnd() if loaded via Application.cfc
CreateObject Creates an object and makes it available in the CFML space. Defaults type to a 'component'
CreateUuid Creates a string that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID). A UUID represents a 128-bit value, with optional delimiter
Cronenable Lets you turn on and off the crontab scheduler. This will persist over server restarts
Cronsetdirectory Sets the URI directory that the cron tasks will run from. Calling this function will enable the crontab scheduler to start. This persists across server restarts
Dataload Loads a previously saved data back into memory, returning back the CF data. The fileurl can be any URL, local, or cloud file location
Datasave Saves the data/object to the given file location. Supports CFC serialization.
DeleteClientvariable Removes the element represented by the key from the [client] scope
Duplicate Returns a new duplicated version of the given object, removing all references to the old one
GetApplicationmetadata Returns the meta data for the current application
GetBasetaglist Returns the list of all the parent tags upto the current point
GetBasetemplatepath Returns the filepath of the base template in this request
GetClientvariableslist Returns back a string of all the non-read-only items in the current 'client' scope
GetContextroot Returns the current context root of the current web application
GetCurrenttemplatepath Returns the filepath of the current template
GetHashcode Returns the underlying Java .hashCode() for the given variable
GetJournaldirectory Returns the full path to the Journal directory
GetLocalhostip Returns local host label for this network
GetMailspooldirectory Returns the path only of the mail spool directory
GetMailundelivereddirectory Returns the path only of the mail undelivered directory
GetTagstack Returns an array of structures of the current tag stack
GetTemplatepath Returns the filepath of the base template in this request
GetVariable Gets the variable referenced by the given parameter; may be fully qualified
HtmlBody Allows you to insert content into the HTML <body></body> area of the page. It must be called before any content is flushed to the request
HtmlHead Allows you to insert content into the HTML <head></head> area of the page. It must be called before any content is flushed to the request
Httpdump Takes a snapshot of everything associated with the incoming request
Invoke Calls a method on the given object passing in the attributes
JmxGetdomainlist Returns back an array of all the available JMX domains within this Java virtual machine
Journalread Reads a journal file, returning back a structure with the details of the request. If full=true then the 'trace' key will have the query of all the execution
Journalreadsession Reads a journal file looking for the specific session
Journalreadtodatasource Reads a journal file into the database table specified, returning back a structure with the details of the request. The table will have the columns: T_OFFSET, CODE, FILE_ID, SESSION, FILE_DEPTH, TAG_DEPTH, TAG, LINE, COL, FN, SCRIPTLINE, JOURNALID, ID
Logger Sends data to the underlying Java Logger process. It will automatically pick up the context of where you are calling this from
Pause Pauses the execution of the request for a given amount of seconds
Renderinclude The function version of the tag CFINCLUDE that renders a given template and returns back the string
Sessioncount Returns the number of sessions in a given application name, or if not specified, the total sessions across all applications
SetCookie This function is used to set and delete outgoing HTTP cookies that can be sent from the CFML application. You can read cookies using the 'cookie' variable scope. Cookies are limited to 20 per domain, each one being a maxium of 4KB in size.
SetHttpstatus Sets the HTTP status code for this request. It must be called before any content is flushed to the request
SetHttpvalue Sets the HTTP header name/value for this request. It must be called before any content is flushed to the request
SetVariable Sets the value of the variable indicated by address
SystemFilecacheflush Clears out the current system file cache that stores all references to CFC, templates and custom tags
SystemFilecacheinfo Returns details on the system file cache {hits, misses, size}
SystemFilecachelist Returns an array of structs {uri,hits,lastused,realpath} representing all the files in the system file cache
SystemMemory Returns the state of the Java virtual memory in bytes {total, max, free, used}
Throw Throws an exception based on a given criteria
Throwobject Throws an exception based on a given object
WriteDump Outputs the content of a CFML variable to the browser, often used during debugging or as a quick way to view variables at runtime
WriteLog This function is used to write to the logging system of OpenBD. If no "LOG" or "FILE" attribute is specified, then the log is written to the standard OpenBD application log file
WriteOutput Writes the given string out to the main request buffer. Useful for within cfscript blocks