CFML Functions

file Category functions

Function Name Description
DirectoryCreate Creates a directory on the file system given {supports Amazon S3}
DirectoryDelete For the given directory deletes the contents of the file
DirectoryExists Checks to see if the given directory exists
DirectoryList For the given directory get the file contents {supports Amazon S3}
Expandpath Translates the given web path to a real file system path
FileClose For an existing open file, this function closes off all handles
FileCopy Makes a copy of the srcFile landing it in the destFile position. Must be a file path for the destination
FileDelete Deletes the file at the given location {supports Amazon S3}
FileExists Determine if the file exists {supports Amazon S3}
FileIseof For the given open file object, determines if it has reached the end of its file/stream
FileMove Moves the srcFile landing it in the destFile position. Must be a file path for the destination
FileOpen Opens up the file at the given locatio for either reading or writing
FileRead If a file object is passed in, will read the number of bytes given. If a path to a file name will read in the full file into memory, the second paramter is the charset to read the file. For reading text based files
FileReadbinary Read the file at the path into memory. For use with binary files
FileReadline For an existing open file, reads and returns the next line of text
FileSeparator Returns the file separator for the host operating system; / for Linux/Mac/Solaris and \ for Windows
FileSetaccessmode For the given path, sets the file attributes {for *NIX systems only}
FileSetattribute For the given path, sets the file attributes {for Windows only}
FileSetlastmodified For the given file, set the last modification date
FileUpload Manages the UPLOAD of a file
FileUploadall Manages the uploading of all files in a form. Returns a list of all the files uploaded
FileWrite If a file object is passed in, will write the object given. If a path to a file name will write the full data and close the file. For writing binary and test based files. Will append to an existing file.
FileWriteline Opens up the file (or uses the existing file object) and appends the given line of text
GetDirectoryfrompath Returns the path only of the full path
GetFilefrompath Returns the filename only of the full path
GetFileinfo Reads the file at the given path and returns back a structure of details (name, path, parent, size, lastmodified, canread, canwrite, ishidden, type)
GetTempdirectory Returns the full path to the currently assigned temporary directory
GetTempfile Creates a new unique file in the given directory with the prefix. Extension of the new file is '.tmp'
Unzip will unzip the content of given zipfile
Zip will zip a given file/directory
Ziplist will list the content of given zipfile