Addsoaprequestheader |
Sets the given SOAP request header with the values specified |
Addsoapresponseheader |
Sets the given SOAP response header with the values specified |
GetSoaprequest |
Returns back the original SOAP request for this object, or the current one if processing. |
GetSoaprequestheader |
Returns back the SOAP header request. Use only inside a WebServices call |
GetSoapresponse |
Returns back the full SOAP response |
GetSoapresponseheader |
Returns back the SOAP header response |
IsXmlattribute |
Determines if the object type passed in is XML attribute |
IsXmldoc |
Determines if the object type passed in is XML node element |
IsXmlelem |
Determines if the object passed in is XML element |
IsXmlelement |
Determines if the object passed in is XML element |
IsXmlnode |
Determines if the object passed in is an XML node |
IsXmlroot |
Determines if the object passed in is the top level XML root node |
XmlChildpos |
Finds the given occurence number of the node within the XML object, returning -1 if not found |
XmlElemnew |
Creates a new child element for the XML object |
XmlFormat |
Encodes the given string for safe usage within XML nodes; escapes >, <, ', ", & and also any high ASCII characters |
XmlGetnodetype |
For the given XML node passed in, determines the type; returns NULL if not determined |
XmlNew |
Creates a new XML document with optional case-sensitivity elements |
XmlParse |
Determines if the object passed in is an XML node |
XmlSearch |
Performs an XPATH search against the XML, returning back an array of found nodes, or boolean, or count, or string depending on the search type |
XmlTransform |
Runs the given XSLT against the XML document specified |
XmlValidate |
Runs the validator against the XML object to check for errors, returning a struct of keys Errors, FatalErrors, Warning, Warnings |