CFML Functions

xml Category functions

Function Name Description
Addsoaprequestheader Sets the given SOAP request header with the values specified
Addsoapresponseheader Sets the given SOAP response header with the values specified
GetSoaprequest Returns back the original SOAP request for this object, or the current one if processing.
GetSoaprequestheader Returns back the SOAP header request. Use only inside a WebServices call
GetSoapresponse Returns back the full SOAP response
GetSoapresponseheader Returns back the SOAP header response
IsXmlattribute Determines if the object type passed in is XML attribute
IsXmldoc Determines if the object type passed in is XML node element
IsXmlelem Determines if the object passed in is XML element
IsXmlelement Determines if the object passed in is XML element
IsXmlnode Determines if the object passed in is an XML node
IsXmlroot Determines if the object passed in is the top level XML root node
XmlChildpos Finds the given occurence number of the node within the XML object, returning -1 if not found
XmlElemnew Creates a new child element for the XML object
XmlFormat Encodes the given string for safe usage within XML nodes; escapes >, <, ', ", & and also any high ASCII characters
XmlGetnodetype For the given XML node passed in, determines the type; returns NULL if not determined
XmlNew Creates a new XML document with optional case-sensitivity elements
XmlParse Determines if the object passed in is an XML node
XmlSearch Performs an XPATH search against the XML, returning back an array of found nodes, or boolean, or count, or string depending on the search type
XmlTransform Runs the given XSLT against the XML document specified
XmlValidate Runs the validator against the XML object to check for errors, returning a struct of keys Errors, FatalErrors, Warning, Warnings