Abs |
Returns the absolute value of the number given |
Acos |
Returns the arc cosine value of the number given |
Asin |
Returns the arc sine value of the number given |
Atn |
Returns the arc tangent value of the number given |
BitAnd |
Apply a logical AND on the two numbers given |
BitMaskclear |
Clears the bits from the given bit position for the number of bits given |
BitMaskread |
Reads the bit mask at the given position and length |
BitMaskset |
Set a mask on the given number covering the range given |
BitNot |
Returns the logical NOT of the given number |
BitOr |
Apply a logical OR on the two numbers given |
BitShln |
Shifts the given number the number of bits to the left |
BitShrn |
Shifts the given number the number of bits to the right |
BitXor |
Apply a logical XOR on the two numbers given |
Ceiling |
Returns the smallest number that is greater than the given parameter |
Cos |
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle |
Decrementvalue |
Decrements the current number by one |
Exp |
Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value |
Fix |
Returns the number associated with the value |
Incrementvalue |
Increments the current number by one |
Int |
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer |
Log |
Performs a log on the given number |
Log10 |
Performs a base 10 log on the given number |
Max |
Returns the largest of the two given numbers |
Min |
Returns the smallest of the two given numbers |
Pi |
Returns the mathematical constant PI (22/7) |
Rand |
Returns a random number |
Random |
Returns a random number |
Randomize |
Returns a random number seeding the random number generator |
Randrange |
Returns a random number between the two numbers using the given optional random generator |
Round |
Rounds the given number down |
Sgn |
Determines the sign of the number; return -1 if negative, 1 if positive, or 0 |
Sin |
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle |
Sqr |
Performs the square root of the number given |
Tan |
Returns the trigonometric tan of an angle |
Val |
Attempts to convert the string to a number |